Instrumentation Isolation with Needle Valve

Needle Valve with Vent Plug

Under pressure Instrumentation are isolated to provide adequate safety for Installation,Operation and Maintenance. Instruments can cover a wide range of equipment from Pressure Gauges, Pressure Switches, Pressure transmitters etc.
The concept is to make sure the instrument is NOT under pressure during installation, operation and mainly maintenance to avoid any sort of hazard to people and environment around. These activities should be carried out with special care as mostly these equipment are under high pressure.

In the photos below you can observe the equipment safe isolation methodology from pressurised line to replace or perform IOM activities.

Vent/Drain Plug on the Tetrapy’s Needle valves provides an excellent mean for IOM. Typically the line is connected through tubing and Compression fittings to the control/process line. The Instruction below are presented with Tetrapy’s Double Ferrule compression Fittings.

In the photos below you can observe the methodology to safely Isolate the equipment from line pressure to replace or perform any relevant activities.

Disclaimer:  Tetrapy Pty Ltd or the Author does not accept any responsibility on any activity performed utilising this instruction. The instruction is FOR INFORMATION ONLY. The operator should take extreme care working with pressurised equipment.

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